Monday, September 25, 2006

Nike out of gas.....??

Nike Air Zoom - finally out of (SF6) gas......

Let me begin by saying I am not a big fan of Nike - I do not buy their products (skate or otherwise) for two simple reasons: 1) Almost everyone else in the world (from pro golfers in America to impoverished coal miners in China) wears it so they don't need me anyway and 2) Nike is not a skate brand IMHO - never has been, never will be and I don't care what initials you put after your name or how much money you pay to pro skaters to convince me otherwise. God bless the skaters for gettin' paid - more power to them but I still ain't buyin' it.......
I get a lot of s*** from people who don't agree with my views and that's fine - usually the comments are along the lines of ,"Hey f*** you this is America and corporations/people have a right to do whatever they please" which I respond that this is not 100% true and even if it were it doesn't mean that just because you have the right to do something that its a good idea or that I have to agree with it........
And now that I have your attention, I submit for your consideration an abridged excerpt from a recent article in Business Week, which was kind enough to point out that for many years the Nike Air Max shoes contained a super potent greenhouse gas known as "SF6" which at the peak of Nike Air footwear production in 1997 carried a greenhouse effect equivalent to 7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is roughly equivalent to the Co2 emitted from the tailpipes of 1 million vehicles. It took the poor folks at Nike 14 years and "tens of millions of dollars" to finally get their Nike Air's SF6-free. So in a way by paying $150 for a pair of Nike Dunks you are subsidizing Nike's efforts to stop putting holes in the ozone layer, so you've got that to feel good about.....pretty ironic for a company that is based in such an environmentally conscious (and skatepark rich) state as Oregon.
All kidding/sarcasm aside, at the end of the day what you do, what you say and what you wear are a way of telling others what you are about/and who you support - so are you gonna be about this?
Or are you going to support this?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Packy gets loopy....

Our friends over @ Skate&Annoy were kind enough to unearth this foto of Packy doing the Reedsport loop @ the 2005 Concrete Rodeo. Go check out their site (on my links list), peep all the fotos of new parks being built in the area and then start making plans to move there (like I am) - BTW I got the name of a good RE agent in Portland if you need one........
Photo: Kilwag

Here's a Packy interview from the recent issue of Carbon:
NOTE: This link opens up the entire mag in a .pdf file - save yourself some brain damage and scroll straight to page 62 for the interview..............

Monday, September 18, 2006

New Old School

This is Simon charging The Cove - he just turned 11, has been skating for one year, doesn't know how to street skate and doesn't care - say hello to him next time you're down SM way - he's the kid wearing a striped polo or Punk Rock T, knee high socks and riding the loosest trucks you have ever set foot on - classic..........
Photo: Jay Smiledge/

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Devil's Asshole

So THAT'S what the Devil's Asshole looks like! Who knew.....? Gene Boles goes barerfoot frontside over the devils backside.
Foto: Jamie Camp

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Death From Above

It has been brought to my attention that a previously-thought-lost piece of rather gnar footage from the ADDIKT Oregon tour has been brought back to life and has found a home on Nick James' Slam310.TV - enjoy......... BTW in case you're wondering after you view this - he is still alive (double fracture of the jaw and a severe concussion not withstanding)..........
For correct loop ettiquette, check out ADDIKT team rider Packy giving it a go:

Thursday, September 14, 2006

R-Dogg in Oregon

Aryeh got his cast off - won't be long 'til he's doing shit like this again:

Sunday, September 10, 2006

ADDIKT in Automatic Magazine Issue 50

Check out the ADDIKT ad in this month's issue of AUTOMATIC Magazine featuring our in-house terrain terrorist Aryeh Kraus performing a nocturnal nollie heel flip over a nicely manicured gap..........
Photo: Sam Muller

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Warren Bolster R.I.P.

Warren Bolster R.I.P.

Gregg Weaver
Photo: Warren Bolster

Warren was one the most influential skate photographers of his time - editor of Skateboard Magazine back in the late'70's (when it still mattered), one of the first to use fisheye lens for skate photography, blah,blah,blah - definitely in the legend category with Jim Cassimus,Jim Goodrich,Rusty Harris,Craig Fineman,Glen E. Friedman,Bill Sharp,Stan Sharp, et. al.

Hope u can still see all the action wherever you are..............Aloha Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Duane Peters: genius

What better way to spend Labor Day than w/ an Indy Air - swear to god Duane Peters must be a genius - sweeper, fakie footplant,layback rollout,invert revert,first guy to do the loop - what did I forget.....? Thanks DP
Photo: Jay Smiledge/

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Phake Skaters.....?

"When you start representing a culture, it gets stigmatized as being phony."
--Even Fiasco
Just when you thought you'd seen every skate-related gimmick that makes you want to vomit, along comes more material:,0,893711.story?coll=la-home-entertainment
I guess if "Skaterock" is OK then "Skaterap" has to be OK too, but what's up with those costumes....?
Nike and certain other global marketing machines have already tricked the weak-minded into thinking they're a skate brand, so why don't we just get it over with and let Coach design skate accessories and Prada do a men's "skate" line and go 100% kook all the way.....? Then we could stop having skate contests and switch straight over to contests w/ awards for "freshest gear", "illest griptape design" and "best soundtrack for bailing on the same trick 30 times in a row but who cares cuz' my kicks are the s***".....
This was by far the most nauseating quote in the entire article and pretty much speaks for itself and the whole mentality behind it:

"You can do a trick on a skateboard and be cool and earn money. The chicks will love you — just like you're selling dope."
--Pharrell Williams

Thanks for reminding me why I started skateboarding - I thought it was because its fun and it feels good....