Friday, January 26, 2007

Packy SLAPS Skatopia

Packy shows up busting an egg on pp. 95 of this month's SLAP mag in an epic piece of skate photojournalism entitled, "How to Survive Skatopia". Don't EVEN get me started on that place - it f****** RULES, straight up. God bless Brewce Martin and his minions, who have created a place that captures the essence of what it used to be all about - 100% skating, 0% bulls*** and NO RULES. No one with Nike SB gear and no walking ads for pseudo-skate surf companies (what up Billabong/Hurley/Quiksilver) rocking their acid-washed tight jeans and color coordinated limited edition shoes. It's one of the only places I can go skate these days that doesn't make me want to vomit (speaking of vomit, I have to hurry and post this so I can go to ASR). The whole spirit of Skatopia can be summed up with the following pic (click on the foto to "enlarge" it and get the full impact):

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Getting Tight in Grand Cayman (aka Postcards from Hell)

By now you've heard the rumors - after being screwed over by their website designer (what up Fat Matt) and not really accomplishing much else in '06 either come to think about it (except a lot of skating) the crew @ ADDIKT maxed out the corporate cards, disappeared into the Caribbean for Christmas and was unreachable.....I'm here to tell you that all of that is true. But it gets better......after skating our brains out by day and drowning our sorrows in Absinthe by night, we went snorkeling, met the Devil (he has a serious case of male pattern baldness), lost our passports, and had several run-ins with the local wildlife (customs officials, med students, bartenders, waitresses, boyfriends of waitresses, etc.). When the credit cards were finally frozen, we crawled home bloodied, bruised, hungover, AND minus all of our camera/film equipment. That leaves just one thing to do - go back and get it right (watch for Part II of "Getting Tight in the Grand Cayman" coming 3/07). All hail the Wormwood tree..........